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Monash University


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Part A - Preliminaries

  1. Title
  2. Arrangement
  3. Definitions
  4. Operation of Agreement
  5. Application and Parties Bound
  6. Availability of Agreement
  7. Operation of Awards and Agreement
  8. No Extra Claims
  9. Re-opening of Negotiations
  10. University Policies
  11. Committees and Chairpersons
  12. Dispute Resolution Procedure
  13. Consultation about Change
  14. Job Security

Part B - Employment Regulation

  1. Performance-Based Contracts (PBCs)
  2. Mode of Employment
  3. Scholarly Teaching Fellows
  4. Continuing (Contingent Funded) Employment
  5. Fixed-term Notice, Renewal and Severance
  6. Casual Staff Career Progression
  7. Intercampus Work, Travel and Transfers

Part C - Salaries and Related Matters

  1. Salary Increases
  2. Payment of Salaries and Deductions
  3. Payment of Increments
  4. Annual Leave Loading
  5. Salary Packaging
  6. Superannuation

Part D - Workplace Flexibility

  1. On-Call and Call-back for IT Staff
  2. Conditions for Monash University Boiler House 12-hour Shift Roster for Engineering Services Officers (ESOs)
  3. Voluntary Reduced Working Year
  4. Pre-retirement
  5. Exchange of Annual Leave Loading for Extra Leave
  6. Individual Flexibility Arrangements

Part E - Leave Entitlements

  1. Definitions and General Conditions
  2. Continuity of Leave
  3. Annual Leave
  4. Sick and Carer's Leave
  5. Long Service Leave
  6. Parental Leave
  7. Other Leave
  8. University Holidays
  9. Christmas/New Year Closedown Arrangements

Part F - Staff Welfare Management

  1. Leave Or Make-up Pay to Incapacitated Staff Members
  2. Occupational Welfare
  3. Occupational Health and Safety
  4. Family Violence
  5. Environmental Sustainability

Part G – Cessation of Employment

Part G governs the redundancy process for academic and professional staff.  Where the University gives or intends to give notice that a position is or positions are redundant, it will only do so in accordance with the provisions of clause 48 (academic staff) and clause 49 (professional staff).

  1. Redundancy – Academic Staff
  2. Redundancy – Professional Staff
  3. Redeployment Process – Academic and Professional Staff
  4. Termination of Employment on the Grounds of Ill-Health – Academic Staff

Part H – Disciplinary and Grievance Matters

  1. General Principles
  2. Termination of Employment and Disciplinary Action – Academic Staff
  3. Professional Staff Disciplinary Procedures
  4. Research Misconduct
  5. Employment Related Grievance Resolution Procedure
  6. Workplace Bullying

Part I – Performance/Employment Management

  1. Probationary Employment Principles – Academic Staff
  2. Academic Workloads
  3. Summer Teaching Period
  4. Outside Study Programme (OSP) – Transferability of Service
  5. Online Teaching and Learning
  6. Working Off-Shore Policy
  7. Performance Development
  8. Professional Staff Workloads
  9. Professional Staff Classifications
  10. Progression Through Classification Levels
  11. Job Redesign
  12. Disputed Classifications
  13. Classification Linking
  14. Indigenous Employment


  1. Hours of Duty
  2. Span of Hours
  3. Meal Breaks
  4. Overtime and Time Off in Lieu
  5. Shift Work

Part K – Miscellaneous Provisions

  1. Travelling, Meal, Vehicle and Related Expenditure
  2. Changes to Rosters or Hours of Work
  3. Higher Duties Allowance
  4. Overtime Meal Allowance
  5. Motorcycle and Bicycle Allowance
  6. Sleep Over Allowance
  7. Camping Allowance
  8. Clinical Loadings


  1. Annual Salary Rates
  2. Teaching Associate Sessional Rates and Casual Academic Research Assistant Rates
  3. Teaching Associate Sessional Rates Descriptors
  4. Part-Year, Seasonal and Annualised Hours Terms
  5. Professional Staff Position Classification Descriptors