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64. PERFORMANCE DEVELOPMENT64.1 A performance review system applies to all continuing and fixed-term staff based on the compilation of a performance plan to be submitted by each staff member and approved by that staff member's supervisor. Staff will be provided with the opportunity to develop their skills and effectiveness within the University. This system operates as an annual cycle with formal and informal reviews and feedback. This should include feedback from a range of people with whom the staff member interacts. The supervisor will advise the staff member in writing of planned time-lines for the submission of the portfolio and of the timing of the formal meetings. The performance development of a supervisor will contain an upward appraisal component. That is, in the lead up to the completion of the supervisor’s annual performance review, his/her supervisor will consult as appropriate with the supervisor’s staff to provide feedback on their supervisor’s performance as a supervisor. 64.2 The objectives of performance development at the University are to be achieved within reasonable timeframes within the annual cycle and are as follows:
64.3 All fixed-term and continuing staff will be required to participate in one formal performance review per annum, supported, where possible, by regular informal feedback meetings. Performance discussions will focus on the staff member’s progress towards the goals established for the staff member and their career aspirations and will identify strategies for achieving these goals. Formal performance review discussions will be documented. 64.4 The principal elements to be covered in performance reviews and feedback discussions are:
64.5 Assessment of performance will be consistent with:
64.6 Where a staff member’s performance is determined by the supervisor to be unsatisfactory, the supervisor will identify in writing the factors which have not been satisfactorily met. The report will specify the improvement required to achieve the goals and objectives, or satisfactory progress towards them, and the proposed timelines for meeting the requirements for improvement. A copy of the report will be provided to the staff member, the supervisor and the head of unit. Incremental Advancement (Academic and Professional Staff)64.7 A staff member's entitlement to incremental progression will be based on the staff member's performance being assessed as satisfactory. Assessment of performance will be consistent with the annual performance review and clause 64.5 above. 64.8 Consideration will be given to granting additional increments within the relevant level in cases where it can be clearly demonstrated by the supervisor that the staff member has consistently exceeded the required performance level. 64.9 Where the staff member’s performance is not satisfactory and a supervisor proposes to withhold an increment from a staff member entitled to incremental progression, the supervisor will: (a) advise the staff member of the reasons for the proposed withholding of the increment; and (b) give the staff member an opportunity to respond to the reasons provided; and (c) allow sufficient opportunity (usually at least three (3) months) for the staff member to improve performance to the standard required to progress to the next incremental step. 64.10 Where an increment is withheld the staff member may dispute the decision in accordance with the Employment Related Grievance Resolution Procedure starting the procedure at clause 56.9. Supervisors (Academic and Professional Staff)64.11 The nominated supervisor of a staff member will be the relevant immediate line manager unless the University nominates an alternative supervisor. 64.12 Prior to undertaking supervisory responsibilities under the performance development process, each supervisor will complete training in the process and methods of giving feedback. Academic Supervision64.13 Wherever possible, the academic line manager will be competent in the staff member’s field of expertise. 64.14 Notwithstanding clause 64.11 above, the Vice-Chancellor may delegate in writing another academic staff member classified at Level C or above to be supervisor of one or more academics or group of academics, provided such other academic staff member occupies a more senior position to the staff member being supervised. 64.15 Any academic staff member may request an alternative supervisor. Any request by a staff member for an alternative supervisor will be given due consideration by the Vice-Chancellor. |