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Academic and Professional Staff 2014 Contact
Monash University


68.1 It is important that positions are capable of being designed to maximise efficiency and productivity in the workplace. Job redesign can occur due to organisational change or requirements or through change in the nature of the duties required to be performed and may not necessarily result in a reclassification beyond the level of the position being redesigned.

68.2 The staff member who occupies the position to be redesigned will be consulted prior to any change being made, and any changes will normally be made by mutual agreement between the University and the staff member. However, management prerogative will be maintained on allocation of duties and responsibilities.  If the staff member chooses, the staff member will have the right to have a Representative of his/her choice present during all discussions.

68.3 The staff member will not incur any loss of salary or diminution of conditions as a consequence of job redesign. Appropriate training will be provided to assist a staff member to perform all the duties of the redesigned position to the required standard.