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Academic and Professional Staff 2014 Contact
Monash University


The University has an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment strategy which recognises that a supportive working environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders requires the redress of racism, social injustice, exploitation and employment inequity.

Reflecting the parties’ commitment to the principles of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander self-determination, social and restorative justice, and cultural affirmation, the University through implementation of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment strategy will:

     (a) maximise staff development along with the transfer of job skills and information in order to increase Indigenous knowledge, independence, remuneration, job security and self sufficiency.

     (b) increase, encourage and foster Indigenous employment and participation at all levels of work activity.

     (c) maintain the Indigenous staff mentoring program and will make adjustments to the ordinary duties of Indigenous staff to facilitate their full participation in it.  An Indigenous staff member will develop a performance development plan in consultation with his/her supervisor and with the participation of the Manager, Indigenous Employment if requested.

     (d) facilitate and encourage the direct involvement of Indigenous staff in determining their own career strategies, goals and objectives.

     (e) use its best endeavours to achieve the employment targets set out at clause 71.1 below across the full range of employment types and assist Indigenous staff in their training and career development in order to promote retention.

     (f)  assign responsibility to the University’s Indigenous Advisory Council to oversee fulfilment of these targets.

     (g) assign a senior Indigenous position within the University with responsibility for Indigenous matters and to work with the Manager, Indigenous Employment.

     (h) promote and encourage relevant cultural events within the Monash community and the provision of appropriate cultural training for staff working with Indigenous Australian staff members. 

71.1 Employment Targets

The University will use its best endeavours to achieve the Indigenous staff employment targets below.

  31 March 2013 31 March  2014 31 March  2015 31 March  2016
FTE Indigenous Staff 35 41 47 54

Should it be apparent to the University or the NTEU at any stage that the 31 March 2016 target may not be met, a meeting of the Indigenous Employment Working Party will convene.  This meeting is to be held within one month of a request unless otherwise agreed between the University and the NTEU, with a view to determining what measures need to be taken to ensure that the 31 March 2016 target will be met.  The full implementation of any measures so agreed by the Working Party will be taken as compliance with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment strategy.

The University will consult with the NTEU when developing its 3 year Indigenous Employment Strategy for the period beyond 2016.

71.2   Indigenous Employment Working Party

In order to implement the terms of this clause, a working party of the University’s Indigenous Advisory Council will be established to be known as the Indigenous Employment Working Party.  The Provost or nominee will serve as Chair of the Working Party and other members of the Working Party will include:

     (a) the Director, Monash Indigenous Centre or alternate;

     (b) the Director, Indigenous Engagement or alternate;

     (c) the Manager, Indigenous Employment or alternate;

     (d) the Executive Director, Monash HR or alternate;

     (e) the President of the NTEU Monash Branch (or his/her nominee); and

     (f) two Indigenous staff members employed by the University and nominated by the NTEU.

Any other members for appointment to the Working Party will be at the discretion of the Indigenous Advisory Council.

The functions of the Working Party will include:

     (a) Examination of higher education staff data as reported to the relevant Commonwealth agency in order to establish the accuracy of those statistics as they relate to the University.

     (b) Receiving annual reports by 31 May each year and quarterly reports of progress.

     (c) Development of a series of performance indicators for the University’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment strategy which address:

        (i)   access to ceremonial leave for the participation of Indigenous staff in cultural and ceremonial activities;

        (ii)  professional and career development opportunities for Indigenous staff;

        (iii)   the classifications of positions and modes of employment (ie. casual, fixed-term or continuing) occupied by Indigenous staff as compared with non-Indigenous staff in terms of numbers and FTEs; and

        (iv) retention and promotion of Indigenous staff.

Within six months of the commencement of operation of this Agreement, the Working Party will embark on the development of policy affecting the employment conditions of Indigenous staff regarding:

     (a) workload regulation;

     (b) study leave;

     (c) promotion

and any other matters referred for the attention of the Working Party by the Indigenous Advisory Council.  These specific policy provisions will recognise the importance of Indigenous knowledge, learning and community links.  They will be based on policy provisions applying generally to academic or professional staff of the University but will vary, where necessary, working hours/workloads, promotion application criteria, and reporting requirements.