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Academic and Professional Staff 2014 Contact
Monash University

70. Classification Linking

Levels 1 to 2

Staff members appointed to Level 1 will have access to progression to Level 2 without promotion to a higher position in the following circumstances:

  • they have the skill, achieved either through training or experience, or a combination of both, to warrant such progression; and

  • they perform duties which require the skill levels at Level 2.

Levels 3 to 4

Staff members appointed to Level 3 will have access to progression to Level 4 without promotion to a higher position where they can show:

  • A requirement to perform, or demonstration of having performed in the current position, a range of duties which require skill levels at the higher level (e.g. multi-skilling); and

  • Attainment of the appropriate skill level, achieved through training or a combination of both, to warrant such progression; and

  • Effective performance as per the relevant position descriptor level for at least one year.

Further Linking

The classification linking of professional staff from HEW Levels 2-3, 4-5, 5-6, and 6-7 will be governed by University policy.  However, nothing in this Agreement prevents the University, in its discretion from amending or varying that policy throughout and beyond the nominal life of the Agreement.