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66. PROFESSIONAL STAFF CLASSIFICATIONS66.1 All professional staff positions will be classified according to the Professional Staff Position Classification Descriptors at Schedule 5. Positions will be classified at the level which most accurately reflects the work required to be performed, taking into account the duties and responsibilities of the position. To avoid doubt, this includes grant funded and research positions. Where a position incumbent makes application for reclassification and the application is not approved by the relevant University Classification Committee, the Committee will provide the incumbent and the supervisor of the position with written reasons for the decision.
66.2 The following general principles apply to classification decisions: (a) All positions are subject to clause 66.1, irrespective of funding source, and budgetary considerations will not be taken into account when classifying a position; (b) The classification will be of the position not the occupant; (c) Classification decisions will be based on an assessment of the documentation of positions against the Classification Descriptors in Schedule 5; and (d) Particular regard will be had to pay equity principles and the classification descriptors will be applied consistently across positions. These processes apply to staff members at all Higher Education Worker (HEW) levels except those on performance-based contracts (PBCs). 66.3 Position Description66.3.1 Each fixed-term or continuing position should have a position description. The position description will always be used as part of the documentation to determine the appropriate classification of a position against the Classification Descriptors. 66.3.2 Where a casual position has been held on a regular basis for more than 12 months, it should have a written position description. 66.3.3 Every position description should be reviewed under the performance development process. |