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Monash University


2. Academic Staff Annual Salary Rates

Academic Level
Salary Step
Rates prior to EA Approval
3% as from 04/10/2014
3% as from 03/10/2015
3.5% as from 01/10/2016
3.5% as from 30/09/2017


8 58,696 60,457 62,271 64,450 66,706
7 62,055 63,917 65,835 68,139 70,524
6 65,406 67,368 69,389 71,818 74,332
5 68,761 70,824 72,949 75,502 78,145
4 71,486 73,631 75,840 78,494 81,241
3* 74,211 76,437 78,730 81,486 84,338
2 76,941 79,249 81,626 84,483 87,440
1 79,661 82,051 84,513 87,471 90,532
B 6 83,853 86,369 88,960 92,074 95,297
5 86,998 89,608 92,296 95,526 98,869
4 90,143 92,847 95,632 98,979 102,443
3 93,289 96,088 98,971 102,435 106,020
2 96,434 99,327 102,307 105,888 109,594
1 99,578 102,565 105,642 109,339 113,166
C 6 102,719 105,801 108,975 112,789 116,737
5 105,867 109,043 112,314 116,245 120,314
4 109,007 112,277 115,645 119,693 123,882
3 112,154 115,519 118,985 123,149 127,459
2 115,294 118,753 122,316 126,597 131,028
1 118,443 121,996 125,656 130,054 134,606
D 4 123,686 127,397 131,219 135,812 140,565
3 127,877 131,713 135,664 140,412 145,326
2 132,068 136,030 140,111 145,015 150,091
1 136,259 140,347 144,557 149,616 154,853
E 1 159,324 164,104 169,027 174,943 181,066

*Minimum rate payable with doctoral qualifications or full subject co-ordination.

Academic Research Assistant Annual Rates:

Research Assistant Grade 1 (Victoria)

Rates Prior to EA Approval

3% as from 4/10/14

3% as from 1/10/15

3.5% as from 1/10/16

3.5% as from 30/09/17

53,596 55,204 56,860 58,850 60,910
55,345 57,005 58,716 60,771 62,898
58,696 60,457 62,271 64,450 66,706