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Academic and Professional Staff 2014 Contact
Monash University


78.1 Where the University proposes to change a staff member’s roster or ordinary hours of work, the University must consult with the staff member or staff members affected and their representatives, if any, about the proposed change.

78.2 The University must:

     (a) provide to the staff member or staff members affected and their representatives, if any, information about the proposed change (for example, information about the nature of the change to the staff member’s regular roster or ordinary hours of work and when that change is proposed to commence); 

     (b) invite the staff member or staff members affected and their representatives, if any, to give their views about the impact of the proposed change (including any impact in relation to their family or caring responsibilities); and

     (c) give consideration to any views about the impact of the proposed change that are given by the staff member or staff members concerned and/or their representatives.     

78.3 The requirement to consult under this clause does not apply where a staff member has irregular, sporadic or unpredictable working hours.

78.4 These provisions are to be read in conjunction with other Agreement provisions concerning the scheduling of work and notice requirements.