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Academic and Professional Staff 2014 Contact
Monash University


50.1 Redeployment is a desirable outcome of the redundancy process and shall be attempted in preference to concluding the retrenchment process.  The process by which redeployment and potential redeployment will be undertaken will be as set out below:

     (a) The staff member will be interviewed to ascertain his/her career interests and aspirations, experience, knowledge, level of skills and training needs, and assisted by a trained adviser in developing a personal career plan and job search skills including a résumé, letter of application and interview skills.

     (b) Staff members will be kept informed of all vacant positions at or one level below the staff member’s substantive level to be advertised by the University.

     (c) A staff member applying for a vacant position (at or one level below his/her substantive level) about to be advertised, will be interviewed prior to the advertisement being placed, except where the University determines that the staff member is clearly unqualified for the position and would not become qualified within a reasonable period of time with or without training.

     (d) If the interview confirms that the staff member satisfies the selection criteria or would satisfy the selection criteria with reasonable training, a transfer will be effected at the earliest possible mutually convenient date for all parties.

     (e) Where the staff member's substantive salary level is above the maximum salary of the classification of the position to which he/she is redeployed, his/her substantive salary will be maintained until such time as the maximum rate for the classification level for the position increases beyond the maintained rate.  At that time, the staff member will translate to the nearest salary point in the classification level above his/her maintained rate.

     (f)  If the interview is unsuccessful and the Executive Director, Monash HR or nominee is satisfied of the validity of the decision, the staff member will normally be given feedback by the interview convenor on why he/she was unsuccessful.

     (g) If the Executive Director, Monash HR or nominee is not satisfied that the decision was valid and considers that the staff member satisfies the selection criteria:

        (i) the supervisor of the work unit where the vacancy exists will be required to employ the staff member for a three-month trial period which will focus on the skill match of the staff member against the position occupied during the trial period; and

        (ii) the staff member may be required to take up the vacancy for an initial three-month trial period upon being formally offered the position, and during this time the redundancy notice period will continue (where applicable).

     (h) A staff member on trial placement may be considered for any other vacancies which may arise during the period originally determined for the redeployment process.

     (i)  A rejection by a staff member of an offer of redeployment to Suitable Alternative Employment on the grounds of geographic location will not be regarded as an unreasonable rejection.

     (j)  During the application of these redeployment processes, and any trial redeployment, a staff member will retain his/her substantive salary, classification and incremental range and will retain his/her existing substantive mode of employment.

     (k) A staff member may choose to have a Representative at any stage of the redeployment process.

     (l)  A staff member who rejects an offer of redeployment made under this clause (other than where paragraph (i) applies) will only be entitled to the minimum payment in lieu of notice provided for under the Fair Work Act 2014  and no notice or termination entitlements will be payable under this Agreement.