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Academic and Professional Staff 2014 Contact
Monash University


This Agreement is a closed and comprehensive agreement and, subject to the National Employment Standards, wholly displaces any award (existing or future) and any agreement which, but for the operation of this Agreement would apply.

If the University has, prior to the operation of the Agreement, commenced a process under clause 13 (Consultation about Change), Part G (Cessation of Employment) or Part H (Disciplinary and Grievance Matters) of the Monash University Enterprise Agreement (Academic and Professional Staff) 2009 (the “2009 agreement”), then the University will continue such proceedings to completion in accordance with the procedures prescribed in each pre-existing clause.

If a dispute resolution proceeding has been commenced under clause 12 of the 2009 agreement prior to the commencement of this Agreement and the subject matter of that dispute relates to the operation of a provision or provisions under the 2009 agreement that have continued under this Agreement, such dispute will continue to resolution or completion in accordance with the provisions of clause 12 of the 2009 agreement.