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56. Employment Related Grievance Resolution Procedure56.1 The University will maintain a fair process to resolve the employment grievances of individual staff. In doing so, the University seeks to achieve and maintain a workplace that encourages a productive and harmonious working environment through: (a) Frequent discussion between staff and managers of the University; (b) Co-operation between and amongst staff of the University; (c) A reduction in misunderstandings; and (d) The opportunity for the satisfactory resolution of problems and grievances in a positive and constructive manner. 56.2 The following matters are expressly excluded from the operation of these grievance procedures: (a) where the application for review was made more than one year after the last incident capable of forming the subject matter of the complaint; (b) where the affected staff member has previously applied for review of the same action under these provisions; (c) where there are alternative internal review procedures available to address the grievance, in which case the Director, Workplace Relations will advise the aggrieved staff member of the alternative procedures available; (d) where the grievance concerns disciplinary action, appointment, probation, classification or promotion, sexual harassment or discrimination, and/or action arising under the Accident Compensation Act 1985; and/or (e) any decision or failure to make a decision or any matter arising under clause 17 - Continuing (Contingent Funded) Employment. Role of the advisers56.3 Advisers are staff members of the University whose role is to provide advice to a staff member who is considering pursuing a grievance, about the process and its operation. Advisers will have been trained specifically in this role before they can be designated as an Adviser. 56.4 The role of the Advisers is to act fairly and impartially to provide information and support in confidence to a staff member of the University who perceives that he/she may have a grievance arising out of unfavourable treatment or decisions which adversely affect him/her in his/her capacity as a member of staff of the University. 56.5 The Adviser will not disclose any information about a staff member without the staff member's consent, except where the Adviser holds a reasonable belief that failure to disclose to an appropriate authority will lead to serious harm to an individual or the community. 56.6 A staff member may contact an Adviser or a Representative at any stage of the grievance procedure for advice on how to deal with the grievance. Grievance Resolution56.7 It is expected that in most situations the staff member will first discuss the grievance with his/her supervisor. A staff member may contact an Adviser or a Representative at any stage of the grievance procedure for advice on how to deal with the grievance. 56.8 Where the aggrieved staff member discusses the matter with his/her supervisor, all reasonable attempts to resolve the issue must be made as soon as practicable and normally within five working days. 56.9 If the matter is not resolved by the supervisor to the satisfaction of the aggrieved staff member within five working days, the staff member may request a meeting with the relevant organisational head as appropriate, and any person(s) directly involved. This meeting will normally be held within five working days of the request. 56.10 If the grievance has still not been resolved to the satisfaction of the aggrieved staff member, within 10 working days of the request for a meeting with the relevant organisational head the matter will be referred by the aggrieved staff member to the Director, Workplace Relations for advice on the next stage of the procedure and other options available to the staff member. 56.11 If after a further period of 10 days, the grievance has still not been resolved following notification to the Director, Workplace Relations the aggrieved staff member may refer the matter to the Disputes Committee in accordance with clause 12.2. |