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Monash University

Meeting Dates 2010 - Monash University Managers' Association

Normal starting time: 3:00 pm

Date Venue Guest Speaker
10th February Council Chambers Philip Platon
Assistant Manager, HR Advisory Services
10th March James McNeil Room Reynold Dias
Divisional Director, Financial Resources Management Division
14th April Council Chambers Prof Ed Byrne
Vice Chancellor, Monash University
12th May Faculty of Business & Economics Conference Room, Building 11, Level 2 East Wing, Clayton Andrew Evans
Coordinating Director, Improved Services, Office of the Vice President (Administration)
9th June James McNeill Room Loren Miller
Director, Business Strategy, Office of the Vice-President (Finance)
14th July Sir George Lush Room
Includes the Annual General Meeting
Andrew Evans
Coordinating Director, Improved Services, Office of the Vice President (Administration)
11th August Sir George Lush Room Ian Tebbett
Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Services Division
8th September Sir George Lush Room Cliff Verhagen - Director Occupational Health and Safety
Bryley Sadler - Wellbeing at Monash Coordinator<
13th October James McNeill Room Paul Barton
Director Environmental Sustainability
10th November Sir George Lush Room Theresa Dau
Manager Major Projects, Office of the Vice-President (Finance), Administration


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