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Monash University Enterprise Agreement (Trades and Services Staff – Building and Metal Trades Staff) 2009 Part 2 – Conditions Of Employment Section 4 – Hours of Work, Breaks, Overtime, Shift Work, Weekend Work 45. Overtime45.1 Overtime is: All time worked either:
45.2 Overtime will be calculated to the nearest quarter of an hour of the total amount of overtime worked in a fortnightly payroll period. 45.3 Except where otherwise provided in this Agreement, the following rates shall apply for the payment of overtime:
* Plumbers will be paid at the rate of double time for overtime worked beyond the first hour any time Monday to Saturday inclusive. 45.4 Where a staff member has worked overtime subject to 45.6, he/she shall be paid for such overtime except where there is agreement between the staff member and his/her supervisor to take time off in lieu of payment of overtime. 45.5 A Trades and Services Staff member working overtime shall be allowed crib time of 20 minutes after each four hours of overtime worked provided that the staff member continues work after each crib time. Such crib time shall be paid for at the ordinary rate of pay. 45.6 A Trades and Services Staff member in receipt of a salary in excess of that prescribed for the top of the scale for HEW level 7 shall not be eligible to receive payment for overtime but shall be allowed time off equivalent to the period of overtime worked. 45.7 The process for taking, and the method of calculation, of time off in lieu of overtime will be in accordance with the existing relevant University Policy. |