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Monash University Enterprise Agreement (Trades and Services Staff – Building and Metal Trades Staff) 2009 Part 2 – Conditions Of Employment Section 3 – Salaries and Related Matters 27. Reclassification of Positions27.1 Reclassification to a higher level occurs through progressive job redesign involving a significant degree of increased responsibility or job complexity. Reclassification relates to the position requirements and not the performance of the individual. 27.2 Where the requirements of the position indicate a reclassification of the position is appropriate, a position description is prepared in the preferred University format, signed by the staff member, approved by the supervisor and head of administrative unit, and then forwarded, with a letter of request for review of the classification, to the appropriate university officer. Requests for review of classification shall be dealt with and concluded expeditiously and ordinarily within six weeks of lodgement. 27.3 Where the content of a position description or a proposal form, that forms the basis of a classification, remains in dispute for a period longer than 2 months then the matter will be resolved in accordance with Employment Related Grievance Resolution Procedures set out in clause 13. 27.4 Where the outcome of the grievance procedure is successful, the date of effect of the disputed position description will be no later than the conclusion of the two month period. 27.5 Reclassification to a higher level will normally be at the minimum step of the new level. 27.6 A staff member aggrieved by a review of classification decision may apply for a review of the decision, by the Classification Review Committee which will comprise the following members who will be trained in the use of the Position Classification Standards:
All nominees will be selected in a timely fashion. The application to the Classification Review Committee will attach the position description and the review proposal form for the Committee's reference. The Committee will review the application, taking into account relativities with other comparable positions across the University and any further information as determined by the Committee. Requests for review will be dealt with and concluded expeditiously and preferably within one month of lodgment. 27.7 This clause shall not have application to apprentices employed by the University. |