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Trades And Services Staff – Building And Metal Trades Staff 2009 Contact
Monash University
Monash University Enterprise Agreement (Trades and Services Staff – Building and Metal Trades Staff) 2009
Part 2 – Conditions Of Employment
Section 2 – University and Staff Members’ Duties, Employment Relationship and Related Arrangements

22. Work Performance and Conduct

22.1 The disciplinary process will include the following basic steps, the details of which are set out in the relevant existing University Policy:

  1. Stage 1: Meeting with Supervisor involving an informal counselling process.
  2. Stage 2: First written warning - a first written warning will be issued if the matter is not resolved during Stage 1 or there is a need for further disciplinary action.
  3. Stage 3: Second written warning - a second written warning will be issued if, following the first written warning, there is no improvement or substantial improvement has occurred, but not to the standard required.
  4. Stage 4: Final written warning - a final written warning will be issued if, following the second written warning, there is no improvement or substantial improvement has occurred, but not to the standard required.
  5. Stage 5: If the standard required is not achieved, disciplinary action, including transfer, demotion, withholding of salary increments for up to one year or dismissal may occur.

22.2 During this process the supervisor may choose to be assisted by a nominee of the Head of Department and the Trades and Services Staff member may choose to be assisted by a Representative.

22.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of this clause, the employment of any Trades and Services Staff member may be terminated without notice by the University for serious and wilful misconduct.