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80. Overtime Meal AllowanceAllowances applicable to Professional staff only 80.1 An overtime meal allowance will be paid to staff members who are required:
The quantum of the allowance will be $17.45 at the Operative Date and will be adjusted thereafter according to the most recently available Take Away and Fast Foods Sub-group CPI index figure (as published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics for the Eight Capitals CPI (Cat No. 6401.0)) at the commencement of the first full pay period on or after 31 March and at the commencement of the first full pay period on or after 31 October each year during the nominal period of operation of this Agreement. 80.2 Where a three-course meal is obtainable by the staff member at the University, the amount of overtime meal allowance payable will be the cost of the meal or the quantum prescribed by clause 80.1, whichever is the lesser amount. 80.3 A staff member who is required to perform any of the duties specified in this clause will be paid an overtime meal allowance where the staff member cannot reasonably be expected to return to his/her home or lodgings for a meal between the time at which the staff member ceases duty before the meal and the time at which the staff member is required to commence duty after the meal. 80.4 For the purposes of clause 80.1 "meal period" means