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78. Travelling and Related Expenditure, Meal and Vehicle Allowance78.1 A staff member who, at the direction of the University, is absent on University business shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses upon proof of receipts to cover the costs of travel, meals, incidental expenses and/or accommodation, in accordance with the following: (a) A staff member who at the direction of the University is absent overnight on University business will be paid an allowance to cover the costs of meals, accommodation and incidental expenditure in accordance with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) guidelines as at 1 July each year. (b) Meal allowances in accordance with the ATO guidelines as at 1 July each year will be payable where a staff member commences travelling earlier or is absent later than the following respective time or times:
(c) An incidental expenditure allowance in accordance with the ATO guidelines as at 1 July each year will be payable for each 24-hour period or part thereof during which a staff member is absent on University business overnight. (d) A staff member absent from the University, where the absence does not extend overnight, may claim payment for meals if expense has been incurred in the purchase of a meal or meals during the period of absence, as follows: (i) If absent for breakfast only, expenses for that meal may be claimed. To be considered as having been absent for breakfast, a staff member must have departed from his/her home not later than 6:30am. (ii) If absent for lunch only, a staff member is not entitled to claim for that meal. To be considered as having been absent for lunch the staff member must have been absent from the University during the usual lunch period. (iii) If absent for dinner only, a staff member may claim expenses for that meal. To be considered as having been absent for dinner the staff member must have returned to the University not earlier than 7:00pm or to his/her home not earlier than 7:30pm. (iv) If absent for two meals the staff member may claim expenses for one meal. To be considered as having been absent for two meals the staff member must have been absent for any two meals as provided in (i) to (iii) inclusive. (v) If absent for at least 13 hours, and such absence covers three meals as shown in (i) to (iii) inclusive, the staff member may claim expenses for three meals. The amount payable as expense for meals will be $13.40 for breakfast, $14.20 for lunch and $24.80 for dinner. Provided that reimbursement may be made only where expenditure on meals is incurred. Any meal or meals supplied free of additional charge by a transport authority will not be included in the calculation of the amount to be reimbursed. (e) Unless the University otherwise determines, the allowances prescribed elsewhere in this policy will only be payable in relation to duties undertaken by a staff member outside an area of 24 kilometres radius of the University. (f) A staff member required by the University to travel by train will be reimbursed by the University any reasonable amount paid by the staff member for a sleeping berth on the train, in which case the staff member would not be entitled to the accommodation component of the travelling allowance. Where the train fare on an overnight journey including meals and sleeping accommodation, is paid by the University, the staff member will only be entitled to the incidentals component of the travelling allowance. (g) Where the actual and necessary expenses incurred by a staff member travelling in the course of his/her duties exceed the amount that would be payable to the staff member under the foregoing provisions of this policy, the University may pay the staff member the amount of the expenses reasonably incurred by the staff member in lieu of the amount prescribed by the foregoing provisions of this policy. (h) Academic staff members are not eligible for any allowances for part-day attendance for normal University duties at another campus. (i) If the University is satisfied that the rates set out in clause 78.10 of the Agreement are inadequate having regard to the nature of the travel or the additional expenses have been necessarily and reasonably incurred by a staff member in the course of the duties of the staff member, the University may approve of payment to the staff member of the additional expenses so incurred. Travelling and Related Expenditure (Intrastate, Interstate and Overseas)78.2 Staff members who travel on University business may be issued with a corporate credit card, to which any reasonable expenses incurred whilst travelling on approved University business may be charged. 78.3 The staff member, prior to travelling and incurring the expense, will advise and seek approval from his/her supervisor or Head of School/Department/Section as to travelling arrangements and where he/she intends to stay. Such accommodation will be of a reasonable standard. If there is any dispute regarding the travel arrangements, attempts will be made to resolve the issue between the relevant staff member (who may choose to be assisted by a Representative) and management of the particular School/Department/Section. 78.4 Where possible, all reasonable University business related expenses will be incurred on the corporate credit card in accordance with University Policy. 78.5 Where corporate credit card facilities are not available, the staff member will obtain a receipt or other satisfactory evidence of reasonable personal expenses incurred whilst travelling on approved University business and this amount, if approved, will be reimbursed. Alternatively a cash advance may be approved in advance by the supervisor or Head of Administrative Unit but only in cases of field trips, travel to remote locations or hardship as determined by the University. 78.6 If a cash advance is approved in accordance with clause 78.5, upon return from travel the staff member is required to provide to the University receipts or other satisfactory evidence of actual reasonable University business related expenses incurred. If the value of the actual University business related expenses incurred is less than the value of the cash advance, the staff member is required to return the balance of the cash advance to the University within seven days of return from travel. Should the staff member:(a) fail to return the balance of the cash advance to the University within seven days of return from travel; or (b) be found by the University to have used the cash advance toward expenses that are deemed not to be reasonable University business related expenses; then the procedure at clause 22.4 of this Agreement regarding recovery of overpayments shall apply. Reimbursement of Fares78.7 Unless otherwise authorised, a staff member required by the University to travel on University business will travel by public transport or University supplied vehicle.78.8 If costs are incurred by a staff member in travelling, including authorised use of a taxi, the staff member will, upon production to the University of receipts for such travel, be reimbursed by the University for the cost thereof.78.9 Where the University authorises the use by the staff member of a taxi, or a hire car through the University's preferred hire car supplier and the initial cost thereof is borne by the staff member, reimbursement of such cost will be made to the staff member by the University upon production to the University of receipts for such cost. The rental cost of the vehicle should, where possible, be paid through the corporate credit card. Vehicle Allowance78.10 Where a staff member is authorised by the University to use the staff member's privately owned vehicle for University business for travel within Australia, he/she will be paid an allowance through the payroll system in accordance with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) guidelines as at 1 July each year or such greater amount as the University determines. |