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68. Progression Through Classification Levels68.1 A professional staff member may progress through the classification levels by the following means: (a) A written application for a review of the classification due to the changed requirements of the position and irrespective of the incumbent's performance; or (b) Positions may be reviewed and reclassified through the normal internal process and, if disputed by the incumbent, reviewed by the Classification Review Committee; or (c) Reclassification to a higher level through progressive job redesign involving a significant degree of increased responsibility or job complexity. Reclassification to a higher level will normally be at the minimum step of the new level; or (d) By appointment to a vacant position through the University's recruitment and selection processes. 68.2 Where the current requirements of the position indicate that a review of classification of the position is appropriate, an updated position description and review proposal form are to be prepared in the preferred University format, signed by the staff member, approved by the supervisor and Head of Administrative Unit, and then forwarded with a letter of request for review of the classification to the appropriate University officer. |