Academic and Professional Staff 2009
64. Working off-shore Policy
64.1 Working off-shore will be governed by University Policy. The policy will include:
- Right of staff to refuse unreasonable requests to work outside Australia;
- Definition of an "unreasonable request" in relation to work outside Australia;
- Provision
of the means for communication with immediate family in Australia in
the circumstances that a staff member is required to undertake work
outside Australia;
- Work-related travel;
- Right
to direct staff to return to Australia, where the University forms the
view that it is unsafe for the staff member to remain offshore; and
- A statement that casual professional and Teaching Associate staff members are not expected to work offshore.
64.2 However, nothing in this Agreement prevents the University, in
its discretion, from amending or varying the policy throughout and
beyond the nominal life of the Agreement.