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46. Environmental Sustainability46.1 The parties are committed to improving the sustainability performance of the University through promoting a culture of sustainability, ensuring that the operations are managed in a manner that minimises the University's environmental and social impacts and through enabling the integration of sustainability principles and practices into teaching and learning, research and community engagement of the University. 46.2 The University will meet its commitment to sustainability through adopting the following principles: (a) Ensuring sustainability is reflected in the University's strategic documents; (b) Developing an annual sustainability reporting framework; (c) Developing education for sustainability through utilising the University's research, curriculum and administrative practice to enhance organisational sustainability; (d) Incorporating the principles of Ecologically Sustainable Design (ESD) into all capital and infrastructure projects; (e) Providing training and support for staff to adopt sustainability principles and practices to achieve sustainable behaviour change in the workplace; (f) Undertaking research which will develop and strengthen partnerships that address sustainable development; (g) Building capacity in the community by producing graduates who are literate about sustainability through their experience at the University; and (h) Partnering with the community to respond to the needs for a sustainable future and provide leadership. 46.3 Staff and the NTEU will be kept regularly informed about the University's carbon emissions, water and energy consumption levels and this information will be reported publicly. |